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Realme vs Redmi vs Samsung



 Hey this is prittam bhardwaj from technikltech blog and as youmight know Realme just drop the all new real Me 3 Pro and we've already put up along detailed full review so if you haven't watched that video yet finishthis video and go ahead and watch that when we link that in the descriptionbelow and in the card here that said in this video we are actually going to take a deeper look at the cameras the real me 3 Pro has a dual camera set up at theback and what better way to analyze a smartphone camera than comparing it toits peers so in this video we're going to compare the real me 3 Pro with theredmi note 7 pro and the samsung galaxy a 50 so without any further ado let'sjump right in Before we jump into the video hit the bell icon so that you getnotified for all the new videos that we put out there's the bell icon wellyou'll find that once you hit the subscribe button so also do that hit thesubscribe button and also hit the bell icon that comes next the first set ofimages we analyse are the close-up pictures taken in broad daylight we werelucky enough to find this vibrant sunflower and here's what the three cameras produced starting with the redmi note 7 pro the produce is really good that said colors look slightly on the saturated side and there are theseoranges shades or where the petals start that were not there on the floor it alsocarries the slightly warm tone which you might like but i'm not a big fan of itnow we take a look at the real me three pros image and what we find is that this one has clicked such a natural looking image the yellow colors are near perfect and the color temperature also seems quite neutral the samsung galaxy a 50 goes the redmi note 7 route but still manages to stay slightly less saturated than the red mean now cropping in at hundred-percent the real me 3 Pro and the redmi note 7 throw a crisp compared to the samsung galaxy a 50 PA 50 is not bad but yeah that's what it is the redmi note 7 throat does look slightly more crisp in comparison just lightly but since the difference is so small andit's enough to be unnoticeable and since the real me 3 pro produced the most pleasing colors I'm going to give this one and the first round of this camera comparison to the real me 3 Pro now justto be sure we took a look at another close-up shot here and right off the batthe tones on the redmi note 7 - and real Me 3 Pro look really good in comparisonto the Samsung Galaxy a 50 that's it the real me 3 pro is slightly on thewarmer side and the a 50 is too much on the cooler side the redmi note 7 proactually has you know perfect color temperature at a hundred percent cropthough the real me 3 prime the redmi note 7 pro has similar looking detailsthe a 50 is soft in comparison between the real me 3 prayer and the redmi note7 throw the 7 pro seems to have slightly more natural details which also bringsthe separation between these smaller elements and for the second daylightclose-up shot I choose the redmi note 7 pro followed by the real me 3 pro andthe samsung galaxy a 50 now comparing this first wide shot of the 3 phones thereal me 3 pro while seems to be closer to actual situation the redmi note 7 prois the one that has the closest image the real mean 3 pro is slightly warmalso the real me 3 pro is really saturated that is something that we willfind especially the greens in this picture the redmi note 7 pro is alsosaturated but the real me 3 really pops out in an unnatural way with thosescreens now getting into a hundred percent crop we can now differentiatebetween the three the real me three pros greens as we saw earlier is slightlymore saturated than the redmi note 7 pro but the details are slightly more on thereal me 3 as i can see if you look at corner to corner details and theseparation in the smaller elements the redmi note 7 pro has done a great joball in all if you also finally look at the wall while both of them have doneover sharpening the redmi note 7 pro has a more appealing produce and hence thefirst daylight white short goes to the redmi note 7 pro but from that we cometo the main standard white shot that mr. phone takes in all our cameras embarrassand we'd love to analyze this one just because there are so many elements herethe redmi note 7 pro has the most appealing produce here even withoutzooming and of course the color tones on the samsung a 50 are too muted and darkfor some reason so much so that the image looks quite dull the real me 3 prowhile has a lot of dynamics going on in the image it's too saturated real me 3bro though has done a great job of getting details out of the shadows thatis something you can see on the you know descent bro it's not happeningthat well there are too many dark areas but the real me 3 Pro has done aphenomenal job here the dynamic range on all three phones is solid which is quiteimpressive it and tells us how good smartphone cameras have become even inthe budget sexes now let's get down to business as we get to 100% crop the realme 3 Pro seems to have slightly more details than the redmi note 7 throw it'sonly noticeable if you pixel peep but it's there it's also a higher resolutionimage on paper.


 This is why I think that happens while the real me 3 Pro has moredetails in some areas the redmi note 7 pro is quite uniform all through theimage and you have details in almost every part of the image even if we lookat the corner to corner details we can see how the redmi note 7 pro is slightlybetter also the color tone for example this part where this barricading is realme 3 pro does a bad job with those yellow colors and the redmi note 7 proas you can see in comparison looks so much more elegant just because of thebetter colors the better details the more natural colors I think the redminote sent pro takes this around for me followed by the real me 3 pro and thesamsung galaxy a 50 respectively before going to the HDR shot let's take a lookat the before shots or the known HDR shots the real me 3 pro in the redminote 7 pro both seem to have done a good job even without turning HDR on the realme 3 pro clearly is an improvement over the 2 pro because we saw how that onehad exposure and dynamic range issues if you go and check out our previous cameracomparison to switch the two pro you'll find that but the real v3 pro has reallyimproved upon that the samsung galaxy a 50 truly doesn't stand a chance amongthese two turning HDR on the redmi note 7 pro goes classic xiaomi by actuallybringing shadows also down along with the highlights this way i actuallyprefer the non HDR short from xiaomi redmi note 7 throw the a 50 surprisinglyalso seems to be going the xiaomi hero out for some reason and has gone evenmore dramatic on bringing almost everything in the image down the real me3 pro is not perfect either though the highlights have been handled beautifullyand while darker areas have been brought up those areas also got a lot moresaturated and i'm not a big fan of that but considering the competition the realme 3 pro easily takes this around I think if the saturation in the HDR imagecan be reduced a bit real Me 3 actually be a very capable camera forthese situations now let's get some humans involved shall we looking at thisportrait mode short right off the bat I don't like the real me three pros shortit's to read on the scanner and that alone ruins it for me redmi note 7 flowseems to have the most appealing produced with nice-looking skin tonesand enough details without even zooming in a 50 also actually takes a greatpicture there are some dynamic range issues on the face but the tones arequite appealing and I would choose it over the real me three pros red hot messnow we zoom in clearly the redmi note 7 throw look to have more details becauseit does the other two are just not in the competition the real me hasgenerally done a good job with skin tones and inputted modes even inprevious phones it's surprising that the image came out like this one explanationcould be that the portrait mode shots because it also used the secondarysensor and hence crops in during the short loses some details and being amessage with the color another one and more plausible one in fact could be aswe and we told does the software on the phone is not final and especially in thecamera there are a lot of improvements that they will be giving in the retailunits that go out that said the cutout on the real me on the a 50 are on parand better than the redmi note 7 pro but considering the whole picture I go withthe redmi note Centro again followed by the Samsung Galaxy a 50 in fact and thereal me 3 bro respectively take a look at these three selfies I'm instantlydrawn towards the redmi note 7 throw not because it looks more detailed becauseit doesn't the real me 3 bro looks more detailed to me here but the face tonesare off and the contrast ratio is slightly higher than I'd like the a 50is like a less detailed version of that zooming in what we find is that thedetails on the redmi note 7 true are also much better and much more naturalthe real me 3 pro does too much over sharpening if you see around my neckthose creases are so much more natural and better on the redmi note sentro eventhe color of the shirt has been nailed by the denby note 7 pro this is trulyimpressive because in previous comparisons the redmi note 7 pro did nothave an impressive front camera but after the software update as xiaomiclaimed with the camera performance the selfie camera performance has indeedbecome better now i was going to selfie portrayed this tells us a similar storythe cutout on the redmi note 7 pro is beautiful and the fact that with a single camera.


 I did a better cut out than its own back is impressive the real me 3 pro 2 does a great job Samsung Galaxy 50 still needsa little improvement since the redmi note 7 pro and the real me 3 pro havesimilar cutouts it comes down to the subject and there the redmi note 7 proVince hence taking this round taking low-light selfie without flash we havethe real me 3 Pro taking the best looking image primarily because it's theright balance of bright and crisp the face tones are quite appealing as wellthe a 50 does the next best job and the redmi note 7 true follows now turningflash on i instantly liked the redmi note 7 pro because of the slightlywarmer face tone there are different colors that suit different face tonesfor my in that warm tone suits a lot and hence the redmi note 7 pro the rest havealso done a great job but the a 50 is too pink and the 3 pro is slightlycooler than i like even the details on the redmi note 7 on impressive andeasily helped it take this round between the real me 3 pro in the samsung galaxy50 i choose the real me because of the subtler face tone and better low-lightselfie now in this first low-light shot i don't think i have to defend thesamsung galaxy a 50 it's pretty bad let's compare between the redmi notecentroid in the real me 3 pro shall we the red knee and the remi 3 pro bothhave controlled the lighter on the paper fry studio logo as you can see and ifyou zoom in you can see that the real me 3 pro actually has much less noise andit's cleaner compared to the redmi note 7 throw and this is even without turningthe night mode on i do prefer the color tour on the real me 3 pro and thecleaner image though the difference is tinynow turning the night mode on while the real me takes a subtler step the redminote sentro produces a slightly more saturated image that's it the colors onthe redmi note 7 ro just look too over processed and there is this whole halogoing around in the image this is why i think i prefer the real mean three prosimage it might not be as sharp as the redmi note centro but the colors havebeen handled very well and I think in the complete picture I prefer the realme 3 pro more than the redmi note 7 pro now coming to videos from the realcamera first we took 1080p footages from all three phones now the footage on allthree phones looks quite good but the a 50 clearly seems to have some dynamicrange issues which you can clearly see on the face now looking at this footagethe redmi note Centro instantly looks better because of the good stabilizationand the good colors at the background theSamsung Galaxy 50 also has great stabilization but the colors are notreally good and the face tones are clearly lacking also the crop looks tobe slightly more than the other do the face tones on the real me 3 Pro thoughare the ones that I'm the most fan of I really like the colors on it but thatsaid the stabilization is quite laggy and it just doesn't feel finished yet sothat probably could also be because the software is not final and we have moreupdates coming in but that said in this round with the 1080p footage I'm goingto choose the redmi note 7 pro followed by the rail b3 pro and then the samsunggalaxy now in the last we take a look at 4kfootage from the REO camera the Samsung Galaxy a 50 sadly does not shoot 4kwhich makes it easier to compare the two now both these footages are prettyphenomenal because if you go and see even footages from flagships the forgivefootage has very bad reddish tone on the faces especially these phones also dotend to do that but the color tones are so much more controlled the red is atleast not very distracting that's it the colors on the real me 3 pro aresomething I prefer a lot more and look much more natural compared to the redminote 7 pro the stabilization is not there in either of these phones but theinherent lens stabilization that there is looks better on the real me 3 Prowhich is why the footage also looks smoother so for this around I'm going tochoose the real me 3 pro and let the redmi note 7 pro take the second spot and how the exposure is 344 it is likeif there's an extent like this man in selfie video all three phones haveappealing face tones the Samsung a 50 looks slightly off but it's still goodfootage there's no stabilization so no crop nownotice when the light goes from behind me to falling on my face while theSamsung Galaxy a 50 actually changes the face tone considerably the real me 3 Proand the redmi note 7 pro have done a phenomenal job at handling that nowbetween these two the audio is the real which is helping it so now that we aredone with the comparison I'm pretty sure you know what the outcome is but just togive you a whole summary the redmi note 7 pro is still the best camera amongthese 3 phones the real me 3 pro gave it a good competition but the fact that thecamera app is so much more mature the way post-processing is done the colorsthe face tones the lens quality which makes sure the things like corner tocorner details are in check makes the redmi note 7 pro still the bestsmartphone camera under 20,000 but that's overall also the fact that with asoftware update a selfie camera that was below average of few weeks ago hasactually gotten better to the point that it beats the Samsung Galaxy 50 and thereal me 3 Pro just ensures the fact that the redmi note send pro is still the phone to go for if camera is your focus that said the real me 3 pro is now here behind the pictures as you saw a lot of these pictures you might actually prefer the real mean 3 prose image over the Redmi note 7 pro when it came to close-up shots the real me 3 pro actually did a good job in most situations the real me 3 prevent the Redmi note 7 prefer neck to neck and if I wasn't in it picking them on my laptop for a detailed camera comparison then it would have been very difficult to choose between the two that said the one situation when the real me April really shines is the low-light performance the low-light performance even without night mode on this thing is really good and then at night scape to that you get a really good low-light performer in the real me 3po if low-light is very important to you then easily get the real me three Pro because even the daylight performance is arguably better on the Redmi note 7 Pro it's still not completely pedal on the redmi note 7 pro then we come to the Samsung galaxy a 50 which holds the last spot in this comparison it is clearly not a phone for camera enthusiasts it still has the most cameras of all three phones but it's still not the best smartphone camera so what we learn today here is that having more cameras does not mean that you have a better camera performance and the fact that if you want a camera phone then the Samsung galaxy if he does not make sense but if you want a premium looking phone with the premium software than the a 50 is the choice to go for it and with that we come to an end of this camera comparison.

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